The Journal of Jewish Education has been the premier journal in the field of Jewish education for over 80 years.
The mission of the Journal of Jewish Education is:
- To offer a standard of excellence for research and practice in Jewish education;
- To provide an outlet and an archival location for scholarship reflecting multiple ideological perspectives, multiple educational settings, and multiple disciplines;
- To grow the field of research in Jewish education through the dissemination of scholarship;
- To serve as a source of reflection and stimulus for rich and complex views of Jewish education in order to better understand it, to improve its practice, and to contribute to a vibrant Jewish future.
Contact Information:
The entire run except for the last 10 years of the Journal of Jewish Education is now fully searchable and freely available at The Berman Jewish Policy Archive.
Journal of Jewish Education homepage
Here are the Guidelines for Publishing Practitioner Research in the Journal.
Download slides here from the presentation at the 2022 Virtual Conference.
Online access to current and back issues of the Journal (members only login)
For those looking to publish reports of new initiatives, insights or opinions not based on scholarly research, we encourage you to submit to eJewish Philanthropy or Jeducation World.
Related Research Organizations
Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry (ASSJ), a cross-disciplinary international organization of individuals, whose research concerns the Jewish people throughout the world.